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Richard Whish and Diane Wood

Merger Cases in the Real World:
A Study of Merger Control Procedures

OECD, 1994


Overview and terms of reference

The report analyses problems associated with multijurisdictional review. It contains nine case studies and makes seven recommendations to improve international cooperation and convergence. The report was commissioned by the OECD in response to the following terms of reference, agreed by the Committee on Competition Law and Policy in 1991:

i) to review procedures employed by the Member countries with respect to the pre-merger review and regulatory approval of mergers and other concentrations;

ii) to identify areas of procedural difference that impede cooperation among Member countries and add unnecessary regulatory costs to firms or enforcement agencies in the merger process;

iii) to identify areas of procedural convergence and cooperation consistent with regulatory goals if individual Member countries.'

Author affiliation (at time of report)

  • Prof Richard Whish - University of London
  • Prof Diane Wood (formerly of University of Chicago)


OECD Web Site (PDF - 10mb)