Competition within the Australian Banking Sector
Senate Inquiry into Competition in the Banking Sector (2010-2011)
Inquiry home page
(including public submissions)
Submissions due by 30 November 2010
Committee to report by 31 March 2011
(extended until 27 April 2011)
Interim report released on 20 April seeking an extension of the report date until
6 May 2011
Report released 6 May
View the Senate's 374 page report (ch 8 deals with price signalling)
About this Review
The Review was instigated by Senator Xenophon, Senator Bushby and Senator Williams on 28 November 2010. View Senate Hansard (pages 14-15)
Terms of reference
Competition within the Australian banking sector, including:
(a) the current level of competition between bank and non-bank providers;
(b) the products available and fees and charges payable on those products;
(c) how competition impacts on unfair terms that may be included in contracts;
(d) the likely drivers of future change and innovation in the banking and non-banking sectors;
(e) the ease of moving between providers of banking services;
(f) the impact of the large banks being considered ‘too big to fail’ on profitability and competition;
(g) regulation that has the impact of restricting or hindering competition within the banking sector, particularly regulation imposed during the global financial crisis;
(h) opportunities for, and obstacles to, the creation of new banking services and the entry of new banking service providers;
(i) assessment of claims by banks of cost of capital;
(j) any other policies, practices and strategies that may enhance competition in banking, including legislative change;
(k) comparisons with relevant international jurisdictions;
(l) the role and impact of past inquiries into the banking sector in promoting reform; and
(m) any other related matter.