International Merger Law

Welcome to my merger page which collates resources relating to merger law and regulation in the competition (antitrust) law context. The focus is on resources relating to merger law in the international/ transnational context, but includes some resources relating exclusively to domestic merger law.
This site is broken into a number of different categories:
International Resources includes links to organisations and resources which encompass more than one domestic competition law regime. This includes links to merger-related resources produced by bodies such as the International Competition Network and OECD and some significant bilateral and multinational arrangements. Notwithstanding its multijurisdictional nature, EU merger resources are included in the 'national resources' section for convenience.
National Resources provides information about national merger laws and EU merger law. This includes links to merger laws, merger authorities and merger guidelines.
Reading room contains a bibliography of resources relating to international merger law, with some abstracts and commentary.
Cases includes information about significant international merger cases. Where relevant, key domestic cases are highlighted on the national resources page.
Publications contains links to my own research in this area.