Home Page / Reading Room

Reading Room

The reading room contains links to a variety of resources relating to international and domestic merger policy.

It is divided into the following sections:


This section contains books specific to merger law and policy and links to those more broadly addressing issues of international competition law and policy.


Doctoral and masters dissertations relating to merger law and policy.

Organisational documents

There are a number of recommendations, discussion papers and model laws that have been produced in the field of international competition law and policy and merger law specifically. This section distills those publications relevant to merger law and policy, with particular focus on material produced by the International Competition Network and the OECD.

Articles and papers

This section includes articles, speeches, discussion papers and other documents relating to merger and international competition law and policy

Jurisdiction specific

The focus of this site is merger law and policy having an international or transnational dimension. However, the nature of merger law as an overlapping series of national and transnational rules and regulations means that literature relating to domestic merger law and policy remains relevant to any assessment of the current or future state of transnatoinal merger regulation.

Competition law journals

Links to competition specific law journals and newsletters.

External link = external link